Subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire – Intervention by Virgil Ciomos
The Forum of Athens has the pleasure to invite you on Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 19:30 to the speech of Virgil Ciomos, psychoanalyst, member of the Forum of Romania and IF-EPFCL, professor of philosophy, Babes – Bolyai University, on the topic:
The subversion of the contemporary subject
Lacan with Descartes and Hegel
His talk at the Lacanian Field Seminar will be held via videoconference, with translation into Greek.
It will be possible to follow the lecture both in person and online.
Meeting ID: 776 346 9567
Passcode: 474600
Free entrance
The coordinators of the Forum of Athens Seminar,
Α. Karamitsou, E. Komamata, N. Mavrakis